Anyone still using scythe gentle typhoon?

colonelsoh wrote: haha but i asking nia la cuz GT-AP best for watercooling rad right? i using it on my Hyper 212 LOL! But might get corsair AIO, thats why asking around. Dun matter use for aircool or AIO. It is still one of THE best for rads. If its for airflow, i think there may be better choices.

shadow84 wrote: Dun matter use for aircool or AIO. It is still one of THE best for rads. If its for airflow, i think there may be better choices. haha always the best leh!!! rmb last time HWC so enthu still got people do up video on the air pressure. airflow i use japalang brand can liao.

You can still get Gentle Typhoons from PC Themes iirc. However, those are PWM versions.

cysmail wrote: You can still get Gentle Typhoons from PC Themes iirc. However, those are PWM versions. OOS from entire singapore. TD is no longer bringing it in already

KeYoKe wrote: OOS from entire singapore. TD is no longer bringing it in already FEPL frm lazada is selling the 4-piece pack at S$119.99. Not sure if they are local though, they do sell quite a large range of items and warranty terms seem similar to distro counterparts. colonelsoh wrote: haha always the best leh!!! rmb last time HWC so enthu still got people do up video on the air pressure. airflow i use japalang brand can liao. Some chapalang brands dun push the same amt of air as stated in their specifications. Best to get branded but low end fans for pure airflow. Or 140mm

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